I ended this article in the last issue of the Bul-letin by asking: What is the purpose of earthly life? I don’t know whether this stimulated any of my readers to answer this question. It truly is one of the most important questions that we can ask. As we work to find an answer to this question, we find that it helps us make more sense out of the events of life.

So why do you think that God brought all things, including you and me, into existence? Is all of creation merely some kind of cosmic accident?

As I look around at our universe I find that there is an intelligent design to all things. There is too much order and design in creation to believe that it is all due just to chance.

I believe that the call to holiness is a call to embrace whole-heartedly the belief that there is an intelligent being – God – who has brought all things, including human beings, into existence. By saying this does not exclude the possibility of an evolutionary process that was created and is controlled by an intelligent being. I believe that being is God as we know Him to be through the dogmas of the Church. I say this because I also believe that the God I believe in is Three-Persons-In- One. If I believe that Jesus is fully God and fully Man, then I have to believe that God is Trinity.

When I think about God’s incarnation as a human being, I see a evolutionary process unfolding. He could only come into earthly time when humankind was ready to accept the idea of God as Three-In-One. At the time of Jesus, portions of humankind had come to an understanding of monotheism – One God. This had to be established before humankind could come to accept God as Triune in substance and nature. I would call my readers to take time during the Great Fast to think about these things.

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