Another tradition, voiced by Eusebius as well as by Julius Africanus and the Monarchian prologue to Luke, identifies Luke’s hometown as Antioch on the Orontes. Granting that Luke is also the author of Acts, it is no surprise that he … Continue reading
Category Archives: Gosple of Luke
I would continue presenting ideas about those writings ascribed to Luke. Like Luke-Acts as a whole, Luke’s first two chapters emphasize the Spirit. They do so five times (1:15, 25,41, 67; 2:25-27). Luke also emphasizes marginalized people more than any … Continue reading
Luke’s birth story of Jesus is an overture to his gospel, but it is very different from Matthew’s. There is no mention of Herod’s plot, no star of Bethlehem, no wise men, and no flight into Egypt. They almost seem … Continue reading
Scripture scholars maintain that Luke used Mark as a major source, as did Matthew, but in a different way. He included less of Mark – about 65 percent compared to Matthew’s 90 percent. And, rather than taking over large blocks … Continue reading
In the last issue of this article, I shared that both the Gospel and Acts present the reaction of townsfolk to Jesus. I already shared how this is presented in the Gospel. In Acts, the theme of rejection by the … Continue reading
At the ending of this article in the last Bulletin, I began sharing with you what scholars say about the dating of both Luke’s Gospel and Acts. Some scholars feel that Acts must have been written while Paul was still … Continue reading
We have been considering two books in the New Testament (NT) purported to have been written by the same author, Luke. There was a practical reason that the author wrote this single work in two volumes. In the ancient world, … Continue reading
The next book that must be considered in a chronological New Testament (NT), is the Gospel of Luke. The gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles belong, as many already know, together. They were written, scholars tell us, … Continue reading