In this article I have been basing some of my ideas on those shared with us by Theophan the Recluse. He wrote a lot about mankind’s present condition. In our present state of learning how to become spiritual persons, we are easily led astray by the seductive nature of this material world, especially, I think, in a society like ours where there is always such an abundance of material things. There seems to always be those who want more things and those who desire the things that others have. Such desires can quickly distract us from the essential task of this present life, namely to become spiritual beings – to become children of God.
It seems that humans become empty without God and can never be satisfied. Without God man tends to be in a hurry and concerned with how and by what means he can fill this emptiness which is inside him. This emptiness, which is formed in humans as a result of not first seeking the Kingdom of God, kindles in human beings an incessant craving that nothing can satisfy. This craving is vague, but constant, claims Theophan. A man, he says, becomes a bottomless abyss. He tries hard to fill this abyss but he cannot. That is why for his whole life he is in sweat, toil and great troubles. He busies himself, says Theophan, with various things in hopes of finding satisfaction for this craving that consumes him. These things occupy his entire attention, all his time, and the whole of his activity.
Consider how consumed our modern society has become with technology. Even older persons spend hours on social media, cell phones and the Internet. It is hard for some people to spend even a minute without being connected to others or filling their lives with noise from televisions and radios. There are so many people who just can’t stand being alone. Tragic! It is probably only when you are alone that you can find God within you!