The Call To Holiness — 20141116

As I have tried to express in past issues of this article, the Call to Holiness is truly a Call to Take a Journey – A Journey With God. A truly Vibrant Parish or Christian Community is one that constantly issues this call to its members, always reminding them that Life’s Journey is an ascension to the Heavenly Father, accomplished through personal transformation.

One might ask: How is personal transformation really accomplished? Personal transformation is achieved by deepening our relationship with God. This is only accomplished by making our relationships with others genuine and sincere. There is an absolute connection between our relationships with other humans and our relationship with God. The two are inseparable since God makes Himself known to us through others. How we treat the least of our brothers is how we treat God.

Universal Call to Holiness

Universal Call to Holiness

Last week I shared with those who worshipped with me, a saying which a friend sent to me. I felt the saying was absolutely powerful. I would share that again. It is: If you do not find God in the next person you meet, it’s a waste of time looking for Him further. There is absolutely so much truth in this statement! We should not fool ourselves to think that we can have a good relationship with God and hate even one of our brothers or sisters.

I know that many may find this statement difficult to accept. Many want to believe that we can truly love others but still hate a few. When I allow myself to hate even one other person I diminish my ability to truly love! The truth of the matter is that when I allow myself to hate others or be prejudiced against others, I only diminish my ability and have very little impact on those toward whom my negative feelings are directed.

I have often wondered why people allow themselves to have negative thoughts and feelings about other people, even those they believe have hurt them. Negative thoughts and feelings only sour one’s own soul, heart and mind. That is why Jesus demonstrated how to unconditionally love even those who caused Him pain and took His human life.

The Call to Holiness and to Journey with God includes a call to unconditional love for others. The reward is a deeper relationship with God and greater interior peace. It is, of course, a personal choice.

It is my hope and prayer that the communities I serve will hear this call!

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