Our Spiritual Journey through the St. Philip’s Fast, November 18th

Almighty God, help me, as I prepare to celebrate Your birth as a human and Your revelation as our Triune God during the Baptism of Jesus by John, to realize that my life is a gift from You, given, not in years, but a day at a time. Today is the day the You have made for me and You may have planned it to be the most important day of my life. Yesterday is gone, never to return. I must not worry about it but leave it in Your hands. Tomorrow and all that it holds is Your secret and its coming is not assured. Only today is mine. My God, each day, arranged by You with infinite wisdom and goodness, is Your gift, Your act of love for me. In thanksgiving I offer You the gift of my life every day – my prayers, works, joys and sufferings. I humbly ask you to accept my thanks and ask Your help and offer praise to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.

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