Our Spiritual Journey through the St. Philip’s Fast, November 28th

O Almighty God, help me to understand and live with a deep awareness that You are unceasingly being born into this world in me. Your incarnation as a human tells me that my life, and all human life, is a sharing in Your Divine Life and that with each millisecond of my life is, in reality, You being born again in my world. Just as Your Life brought into existence Your Son Jesus, so Your life not only brings me into existence but sustains me in existence. I find it difficult, O Heavenly Father, to truly understand this miracle. Help me if I, at any time, display any ignorance about this great mystery and help me prepare myself to celebrate in the coming feasts Your manifestation of this great truth. I ask your help and offer praise to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen

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