Our Spiritual Journey Through the St. Philip’s Fast, December 7th

Heavenly Father, the days of preparation for the winter feasts are quickly passing. In just a few weeks the great feast of Your incarnation as man will be celebrated. You came, I truly believe, in the Person of Your Son Jesus, Who is the Christ – the Anointed One. As this feasts grows ever closer, the society in which I live grows ever more frenetic. Help me to remain calm and keep my focus on spiritually   preparing myself to celebrate Christmas not as a holiday but truly as a Holy Day. Help me to truly celebrate the fact that You became a human person in order to help me understand how to live this earthly life in order to spiritually grow and become evermore like the child You intended when You created me. Help me to truly grateful for the love You have shown toward me and others. Help me to understand what You intended to reveal to me and others through Your incarnation as a human. Help me to know that You are With Us. I ask Your help and offer praise to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.

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