Our Spiritual Journey Through the St. Phillip’s Fast, Tuesday, December 9th

weepingmotherofgodofthesignatnovgorodO heavenly Father, I know that today our Church celebrates the conception of the Virgin Mary by Anna and Joachim. This event marked the beginning of Your final revelation to all humankind about Your presence in our lives and world. Help me to keep this day holy as I continue my preparation for the winter feasts. As I think about how Joachim and Anna persevered in their trust in Your loving kindness, help me to never to loose my trust in Your great mercy and love. Help me to know, first of all, that perseverance in my trust in You can only lead to true happiness. Like Joachim and Anna, life presents struggles and challenges to help me know how to trust Your loving kindness. I know that You will never forsake me in the same way that You did not forsake Anna and Joachim. As they spent time preparing for the birth of Mary, help me spend time preparing to for the birth of Jesus, her Son, in my heart and life. I ask Your help and offer praise to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.

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