Our Spiritual Journey Through the St. Phillip’s Fast, Friday, December 12th

O Holy Father, help me to pray with the Church these holy words: “Heaven give heed; and earth lend your ear! The Son of the Father, the Word Himself is coming! He shall be born of an undefiled maiden. Because she consented and gave birth without pain, through the assistance of the Holy Spirit, make ready Bethlehem; and you, Eden, open your gates; for He who is shall become the Dispenser of great mercy to the world”. Help me, O Holy Father, to understand that the winter feasts we are about to celebrate do not commemorate past events but, rather, celebrate what I believe, and the Church believes, are transpiring at the present time in the spiritual dimension. I ask Your help and offer praise to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.

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