Our Spiritual Journey Through the St. Phillip’s Fast, Sunday, December 14th

St John the Baptist

St John the Baptist

O Heavenly God, I join my voice with the Church and pray: “The holy sayings of the prophets have been fulfilled in the city of Bethlehem within a cave. The whole creation is made rich; let it rejoice and be of good cheer. The Master of all has come to live with His servants and from the bondage of the enemy He delivers us who were made subject to corruption. In swaddling clothes and lying in a manger He is made manifest as a new Child being God from all eternity”. I beg You, my loving God, to open my heart and mind so that I may truly celebrate Your Manifestation of Yourself as something that is happening right now in my life and in my world. I ask Your help and offer praise to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.

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