Our Spiritual Journey Through the St. Phillip’s Fast, Tuesday, December 16th

Heavenly Father, help me this day to truly understand that You freely became a human in order to not only reveal Your great love for me but to show me how to live as Your child. I beg You to increase my insight so that I might truly realize that You continue to make Yourself known to humankind – that You are manifesting Yourself in my world right now. Help me to be Your true messenger. Help me to love unconditionally as Jesus did. Help me to treat all others as I want to be treated. Curb within me any desire to be judgmental of others, even if they do not live in the manner that I have chosen to live. Also, help me to never hold a grudge or refuse to forgive others that I may feel have hurt me in some way. Help me, Heavenly Father, to live this way so that I can truly merit being Your Child. Help me, O Lord, to truly understand why my Church declares: Christ IS Born – why we do not celebrate a past event but, rather, something we believe is happening right now in God’s Kingdom. I ask this in Your name, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.

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