Our Spiritual Journey Through the St. Phillip’s Fast, Tuesday, December 23rd

Almighty God, as I come ever closer to the celebration of Your birth, I beg you to grant me the insight to truly understand why You became a human. I know that my Church tells me that Your birth revealed that human life is a sharing in Divine Life. I desire to truly believe this, help my       hesitant belief. I am hesitant to believe in this wondrous truth because of my own weaknesses and failings. This truth seems too absolutely wonderful and beyond my imagination. Although I desire it to be true, I fear that, in some way, I am not worthy of such great love. Help my lack of trust. I know that You revealed through Jesus Your great love for all humans. Help me to not only be worthy of Your love but also to feel worthy. I ask this of You Who I call Father, Son and Holy Spirit not only now but forever and ever. Amen.

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