Our Spiritual Journey Through the St. Phillip’s Fast, Wednesday, December 24th

Almighty Father, our forty-day time of preparation as come to an end. It is now time for our celebration of that most wondrous event, Your coming into our world and becoming incarnate as a human. I stand in awe before the wonder of Your great love. I would dare to think that You, in Your great love for Your creation, decided from all eternity that You would take on human nature in order to reveal to humankind how to live in order to fulfill its primary purpose, namely union with You. I pray again with my Church: At that time, since Mary was of the house of David, she registered with the venerable Joseph in Bethlehem. She was with child, having conceived virginally. Her time was come and they could find no room in the inn, but the cave seemed a joyful palace for the Queen. Christ is born to renew the likeness that had been lost of old. I ask You, Almighty God, to make room within my heart and life for Your presence. I ask this of You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit now and forever. Amen.

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