Our Spiritual Journey Through the St. Phillip’s Fast, Thursday, December 25th

nativityOn this day, O Heavenly Father, I declare with a loud voice the prayer of my Church and say: Your nativity, O Christ our God, has shed the light of knowledge upon the world. Through it, those who had been star-worshipers learned through a star to worship You, O Sun of Justice, and to recognize in You the One who rises and who comes from on high. O Lord, glory to You. I pray, O Father, that on this day on which I celebrate Your birth as man, that I may come to the knowledge of the truth and that my faith might be strengthened to truly dare to believe that You came to help me lead my life. Help me to truly know that You love me and trust that my     misdeeds will not cause You to hold Your love from me. I offer You thanks for Your great love and I offer You, Who I call Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all glory honor and worship not only now but forever and ever. Amen.

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