The Spirituality of the Christian East – 20150208

Eastern spirituality bears witness to the conviction that human beings are made, together with everything that   exists, to be filled with all the fullness of God. Divine fullness dwells bodily in   Jesus Christ, through whom God, by His Spirit, shares His life with the world. Further, one of the fundamental affirmations of Eastern spirituality is that God exists and that He can and must be known. Knowing God is the only real purpose of life. In fact, knowing God is life itself. In John’s Gospel we find these words: And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You sent.

Eastern spirituality, which is truly experienced in our Divine Liturgy, proclaims that God is not only to be believed in, worshiped, loved and served; He is also to be known. Many centuries ago St. Athanasius put it this way: For what use is existence to the creature if he cannot know his Maker? How could men be reasonable beings if they had no knowledge of the Word and Reason of the Father through whom they had received their being?

It is characteristic of our time to deny that God can be known in any real sense of the term     knowledge. Not only are there widespread and pervasive philosophical doctrines which claim that true knowledge belongs only to earthly things, that is to the world of the observable, the weighable and the measurable – only to the things that data shows us exist.
Our Eastern spirituality does not need data to know God. Knowledge of God is gained through experience of life in ourselves and as it exists throughout the universe. All we can know is that some life force animates all living things. While all living things have separate identities, nevertheless the very same life force animates all things.
Think about this!

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