Understanding Our Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Faith – 20150208

Our Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church follows the Eastern Church’s approach to the Great Fast – Lent. It suggests ways of observing the Fast that are drawn from a long and noble history of ascetic practices that have proven to help us focus our attention on the meaning and purpose of the Fast, namely preparation for experiencing again the death and resurrection of Jesus, the Christ – the Anointed One of God. I truly believe that it is extremely important that we freely engaged in ascetical practices during this time   because we desire to grow as spiritual beings and to come to a deeper and fuller understanding of who we are in God’s Kingdom. The Fast should be a time that when we put greater effort into growing as spiritual beings. This is supported by the Church. We literally change our usual worship services.

hagiasophialastThe Church has understood for centuries that the gradual introduction into a different way of living during the Fast should be gradual. So, she has designated two weeks for gradually preparing for the Fast, namely Meat Fare and Cheese Fare.

These two weeks of preparation for Lent, however, only make sense if we are going to eliminate meat and dairy products from our diets. The traditional approach to the Great Fast would have us eliminate meat from our diets during this coming week.

Again, I truly believe that our Church encourages us to include voluntary practices into our lives during this time – practices that we believe will help us to spiritually grow. We must always remember that we don’t give up things during this time because we believe that in some way this will honor or even placate God to be more positively disposed toward us or love us more than He already does. We cannot merit God’s Love or eternal reward

Acts of spiritually motivated personal discipline help us to more seriously think about our spiritual lives. Ascetical practices help us to focus our attention on our spiritual lives.

It absolutely drives me crazy when I am asked: What are you giving up for Lent? I don’t give things up! I try to engage in ascetical practices which have been proven, over time, to be helpful for focusing on my spiritual life.

How will you observe Lent? If you don’t want to spiritually grow or don’t think you have to, then don’t do anything! If, however, you want to grow spiritual, do something!

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