The Call To Holiness — 20150222

A third help in discerning which choice to make in a difficult situation is the Church. Ever since the first believers wrestled with the questions Who is Jesus? And What must we do to be saved? the community as a whole has been reflecting on its experiences and identifying common threads, or patterns, that can guide a person. I have presented the struggle the Fathers of the Church had with these questions. The struggle, I believe, is important since it signifies that we are engaged in our spiritual lives.

The Church has, in attempting to identify things that we might do to grow spiritually, put up dead-end signs, detour sings and warning signs alone the way. It has posted other signs indicating safe routes to follow. These latter directions, as is evident in the three basic disciplines of poverty, chastity and obedience and the four basic rules of living (i.e., extending unconditional love, being non-judgmental, treating other as you want to be treated, and forgiving those who have wronged you and, of course, yourself), point to a narrow, difficult road. But it is a road that many have traveled and have found to be the right one.

Some people would feel very comfortable if the guidelines provided by the Church were clear and concise trip book, which indicates not only the best road to take but the exact distances one has to travel and the interesting sights along the way. Of course when we expect clear directions, we cannot grow in our trust that God accepts our efforts when we are at least making an attempt to have Him in our lives. Much like the approach I take to the Great Fast. If we only do things because we see them as obligations, we will never grow in our faith. Remember, God didn’t create slaves. If He wanted slaves, He would not have given us free will and intelligence.

The true Church’s help usually is not that clear and definite. It is found in various writings and teachings but, most importantly, in the lives of men and women who are called saints or great Christians.

As long as you are sincere, you have nothing to fear!

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