A Prayer-A Day for the Great Fast THURSDAY, MARCH 26th

O Lord, Jesus Christ, when I reflect upon all the events in Your life, I realize that Your life truly is Divine Revelation about human earthly existence. You revealed to humankind the meaning and purpose of life and how to deal with the various challenges of life. You revealed the attitudes of mind that I must have in order to be the person I was created to be. I ask from you the gift of courage and insight to do all in my power to imitate Jesus Christ, believing that He is the way, the truth and the light. Help me to unconditionally love others as He did and to imitate His way of dealing with the stresses and challenges of life. As I request Your help, O God, I offer my praise to You, Who I know to be Father, Son and Holy Spirit, not only now but forever and ever. Amen.

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