The Spirituality of the Christian East — 20150329



The more I think about the spirituality of the Eastern Church the more I am convinced that it captures something very important. I truly believe it captures the true meaning and purpose of life. Think about what our spiritual says about this life on earth. It says that it has been given to us so that we might cooperate with God in growing ever more in His image and His likeness. It also tells us that it was God’s intention, when He created us, to have this earthly life present all the possible opportunities for us to grow in our ability to truly understanding the meaning and purpose of life. For this to happen, however, we have to open our minds and hearts to the lessons that life is attempting to teach us. This means that we have to believe that life presents unique opportunities to each of us to spiritually grow. Everything about life, I believe, is geared to help each us individually grow in our understanding of our relationship with our Creator. It is all a matter of opening our hearts and minds to discern what life is attempting to teach us.

I also believe that our God respects and honors our free will. Why? Because He created us with it. He doesn’t reject us or threaten us in any way when we acts in   ennoble ways. He only continues to love us, ever calling us to return His love. I truly think the parable of the prodigal son is inspired and tells us that this is true. He created us out of love and gives us multiple opportunities to not only come to know of His love but also to return His love.

It is my hope that those who read my Bulletin will, during the coming Holy and Great Week, will truly experience the Week as a true sign of God’s love. He embraced all of the struggles of love to tell us that He truly understands us and human life. He also tells us that He is with us as we journey through life.

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