Called to Holiness — 20150329

Universal Call to Holiness

Universal Call to Holiness

You are encouraged, as we enter into the Great and Holy Week, to make time to think about your life’s journey. I truly believe that if we take time to reflect upon the life of Christ, we will find that God has revealed to us how to live this life given to us in such a way that we will spiritually grow into a greater likeness of Him, Who is the expressed image of God. Jesus showed us how to live! He expressed the necessary attitudes and behaviors that we must integrate into our lives so that we can truly become children of God and fulfill our destiny to be more fully united with Him. It is our destiny, St. Maximus says, to be united to God. Our earthly existence is given to us to help us learn how to be spiritual beings and to be like Him, Our Creator, Redeemer and our God. Our earthly existence presents us with multiple opportunities to become more like Him. He showed us Himself how to live this earthly life through the Person of Jesus. He calls us to do everything in our power to adopt the Jesus way of living so that we can be united with Him. Out of love He has made every effort to reveal this truth to us. He only awaits our response to His loving invitation to become like Jesus. This Great and Holy Week allows us time to join with the Church in thinking about how Jesus lived and plan how we might accomplish being like Him.

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