A Prayer-A Day for the Great Fast FRIDAY, April 3rd

Crucifixion-1O Most Holy Lamb of God, whom Isaiah proclaimed goes willingly to the cruel slaughter enacted by unbelievers, I know that you gave Your back to scourging, Your cheeks to buffeting, and Your body to torture, You did not turn Your face from the shame of spitting so that You might help me to truly understand how to accept the challenges of life. In the midst of Your suffering, You showed concern for others. In the midst of Your pain You found the strength to forgive and to unconditionally love other. Help me, O my loving Lord, to truly learn how to live from the way Your lived and died. Help me to be truly thankful for all that You have attempted to teach me about life. Help me to live as You lived. As I request Your help, O God, I offer my praise to You, Who I know to be Father, Son and Holy Spirit, not only now but forever and ever. Amen.

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