As we celebrate Pascha, the call to holiness takes on yet another meaning. The call to holiness issued by Pascha is one to put our whole hope and trust in the truth of that which is revealed, namely that life is immortal and we are the heirs to God’s Kingdom. Hopefully this truth has an impact on the way that we think and life.

easter4The truth of this revelation is presented to us by our Church today not only in the Icon of the Lord’s Descent into Hades but also in the prayers that we use to worship God. Our Church presents God’s revelation in a very   direct manner. Consider the traditional Easter Icon of our Church. It does not represent Christ coming out of the grave but His destruction of Death – it represents what the Lord’s resurrection accomplished, that is giving immortality back to us, represented by Adam and Eve. Death is destroyed! It no longer has claim over us humans.

Likewise we sing during Easter Matins: I day of Resurrection! Let us beam with festive joy! O Pasch! O Pasch of the Lord, for from death to life, from earth to heaven, Christ our God has led us who sing the hymn of victory. These are not just poetic words! They are an expression of our faith. They tell us what we believe!

Again we sing during Matins: You have descended into the world beneath and shattered the everlasting chains which held the prisoners captive, O Christ. And again we sing: And when You rose from the grave You also raised up Adam the father of our race.

These are not just pretty words that have no meaning! They are words that capture our belief that the Lords resurrection has revealed to us the truth about human life and the truth revealed should give all of us a reason to rejoice.

Again another Matins prayer should fill us with joy: Although You descended into the grave, O immortal One, You destroyed the power of hell… You gave resurrection to the fallen.

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