holy-cross-justice-icon-of-the-resurrectionIn this time after Easter our Gospel readings during the Divine Liturgy are taken, for the most past, from the Gospel of John. His Gospel views the beautiful diamond of God’s infinite being as a community of burning, loving life seeking to share itself with “other-then-God” beings, namely the created world. True love always seeks to extend itself to include others. If God is love by essence, then He is always seeking by His nature to share His being by communicating His presence. He is constantly calling us, who have been made   according to His image and likeness, to share in His very own nature. In Christianity God truly becomes a God-toward-others by the act of communicating Himself through His Word and His Spirit of Love. They is why we can say that He is IN ALL THINGS. Because of His love, He shares His life-energy with all created things. It is His Divine Energy that brings all things into existence and sustains all things in existence.

God created the whole world as good, as a sign of His burning desire to give Himself in faithful communication through His Word. The world at its interior is filled with the self-communicating Trinity. God is filling the universe with His loving, triune life. His uncreated energies swirl through and fill all creatures with His loving  creative presence. God delights to give Himself through His Word to His creatures. Everything flows out of God’s exuberant fullness of life and lives as a reality in His communicating Word. He speaks through His Word, and oceans and mountains, birds and beasts, flowers and all living things spring into being under His laughing, joyful gaze. Nothing that IS can escape. His loving, living touch, His active sharing as Giver of life. This God, as St. Paul preached to the Athenians, is not far from any of us, for in Him we live and move and have our being.

This is something that we must take time to think about. It changes our perception of ourselves and of all reality. The Creator, while He is part of all created things, is also bigger than – more than – all of the things that He has created and keeps in existence.
Think about this!

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