The call to holiness was given to each of us at the time of our initiation into the Church. We are called to a deeper understanding of life and our relationship with God. We are called to understand that not only does God communicate to His creation a sharing in His life, but He is a sustaining, directing God, leading us through levels of evolution as we cooperate with Him, the Giver of Life, toward greater life. And so John tells us that God’s Logos possesses life. And He comes to give us this life: I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance.

All life on any level of human existence is a sharing of divine life through a participation in God’s creative Word. We, like fish, swim in God’s ocean of illimitable life. John tells us that God’s creative Word is the bridge over which God’s shared life passes to us at every moment and in each human situation.

easter1God’s fullest revelation of life-sharing is made in His incarnate Word, Jesus Christ. For in Him we have not only words which communicate truths about God in His living relationships to His creatures but in the Divine Word made flesh we have the dynamism of the Hebrew concept of Word, Dabar. Besides concepts about God as life-giving, God’s Dabar is the dynamic power that the Word releases in the receiver of the Word. The Word is charged with creative power and energy which flow from the Word into the receiver, transforming him/her – according to one’s cooperation – into the Word and the Mind that speaks the Word.

Jesus is the fullness of God’s life and He alone can give it to us. This is the message found repeated over and over in John’s Gospel and in his First Epistle: …those the power over all mankind that you have given him, let him give eternal life to all those you have entrusted to him. And eternal life is this: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.

Knowing God is to enter into a whole way of life. This is the call to holiness.
Think about this!

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