Being called to holiness means being called to more fully understand life and the purpose of life. St. Irenaeus in the 2nd century summarized the aim of God’s creation and the peak of its evolution when the Word became flesh: God became man that man might become God. The early Fathers of the Church, especially those who wrote in Greek and followed the Johannine and Pauline Greek texts, called the goal of the Incarnation Theosis or Divinization.

CaptureThe presence of God’s Word in Jesus Christ as the Light of the world does not coerce those who dwell in darkness to surrender to the Light and thus receive salvation. We find resistance in every atom of our being. Part of our unwillingness to let go and allow God to be sole Master within our lives comes from the state of disintegration in which we find ourselves. Of course this is a part of the genius of God in creating humankind with free will. Salvation comes when we fully    cooperate with God’s Spirit within us and make every attempt to imitate Jesus, the Christ. Salvation is a cooperative process. While God takes the initiative and calls us to salvation, He freely allows us to respond to His call. This, I believe, fully shows how deeply He respects us and loves us. True, unconditional love cannot be forced or demanded. It can only be offered, allowing the one loved to respond in kind.

The body, during this earthly existence, is now a burden, something that brings us fatigue, suffering and pain. It is all too often an instrument of evil desires. Endowed with freedom, we can readily choose evil, unmindful of our true nature to be loving children of God who loves us infinitely. It also provides us with unique opportunities to truly learn how to love, trust and hope in God. God knew exactly what He was doing when He created us as He did. Why do I say this? Because He Himself experienced human life in the Person of Jesus.

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