The mission of the Church is to evangelize. Contrary to manipulative strategies of proselytizers, those in true evangelizing ministry are simply inviting people to a relationship of love with God in the context of community. The call to evangelize is given to all those who have been initiated into the Church. We are all called to share the joy of knowing that we are loved by our Creator-God and that He is here with us, helping us to meet life’s challenges in a positive manner that leads to spiritual growth. In simple terms, we are called to be people with a positive attitude about life and determined to make every attempt to live like Jesus lived.

We do know that evangelization is no longer thought of as a means to convert people to our religion and way of worship. Rather, evangelization is bearing witness to the revelation God has made to mankind: the purpose of life is to begin the process of personal transformation so that we become ever-more like Jesus. Engaged in such activity bears witness to the realness of God’s Kingdom here-and-now.

paschaLike the members of the early Church, we are called to bear witness to Jesus by the way that we choose to live. Like them, we are called to make the love of God real in a world that desperately needs God. Like them, we know that our salvation – knowing the true meaning and purpose of life – comes when we attempt to make God’s love for humans real in our world. Just as we come to love God by loving our fellowmen, so our fellowmen can come to love God by being loved by us.

Being a Christian means realizing that we are called to make every effort to transform our present world truly into God’s Kingdom. It doesn’t matter whether we can actually accomplish this task. It matters that we understand that this is our task and that we desire to make every effort to make His Kingdom a reality.

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