The Spirituality Of the Christian East – 20131229

Holy-Trinity-9In the weeks immediately prior to the feast of Christmas I began sharing in this article the Names of Christ that evoked the greatest response from the Fathers of the Church. In the last issue I shared the name: Savior. In this issue I would share the name: Light-Wisdom.
Christ forever opened ‘the gates of light to those who were the sons of darkness and of night and had devoted themselves to becoming the sons of light and of the day.’ For the Greek Fathers the misery of the sinner consists in ‘ignorance’. On this bases we better understand the great importance they       attached to the revelatory function of the Word become flesh. The tradition retained the full run of scriptural names: Truth, Wisdom, Master, the Word, the Light.
You will note that I have consistently stressed the fact that Christ is truly the Father’s revelation to us about the meaning and purpose of life. It is critical I think that we see Christ as God’s revelation about how we should live as human beings. This is also one of the reasons why the Church has stressed the fact that Jesus is truly God and truly and completely human at the same time.
There can be no greater difference than the one which exists between the Creator and the created. And yet, the mystery of Jesus Christ appears as the perfect union of the two, and this is why he is essentially the Unifier.
The need for a ‘mediator’ was seen even in Greek philosophy. How could two antithetical realities – the material and the spiritual – be reconciled? A serious problem. If God must remain transcendent, indifferent to everything under him, then the transition from the divine to the human cannot be conceived of without some intermediary. It is along such philosophical lines that a carefully developed doctrine of the Word-Mediator, the instrument of God, is found in Philo. A similar notion could not be applied to Christ.

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