Learning Our Faith From the Greek Fathers of the Church — 20150621

I would continue sharing thoughts from the Greek Fathers about our faith. They have told us that just as Christ became the New Adam in order to save the whole Adam, that is to say, to save all humankind, so too do we, by becoming Christlike – through the purification of the passions and the cultivation of the virtues by living according to the commandments of Christ – embrace, as does Christ, the whole Adam in our personal efforts at transformation or change. So the true goal of earthly life   is to change – is to learn how to be spiritual beings. We have an example in the Person of Jesus, the Christ who has within Himself both heaven and earth – full and perfect divinity and full and perfect humanity.

The great and wonderful mystery here is that when a person reaches out and embraces the whole Adam, he finds himself, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, actually living the spiritual state or condition of the whole human race – even that of the most sinful man – and in this way such a person truly prays for his neighbor as for himself.

So think about this. We are called to personal change. When we voluntarily elect to engage ourselves in a process of personal change, we are doing what all of humankind is called to do while living here on earth.

If human beings are immortal, that is that the life they enjoy is without end, then there is some reason for this earthly existence. Why would our Creator put us here on earth, give us free will, and have life deliver all sorts of real challenges? Earthly life is all about providing us with unique challenges needed to become spiritually changed people.  This present earthly existence is only a small portion of an eternity of real opportunities which God gives us to be His true children – to become the persons God intended when He created us. His love for us demands that He allow life to provide us with the opportunities that can will help us become spiritual people. It is God’s desire that all of His creation will be joined, ultimately, with Him. That will, of course, take an eternity. But He has set in place the means to ultimately make this a reality. We are a part of Him and He is a part of us. We are given multiple opportunities to develop our relationship with Him and truly be in His image and likeness.

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