Understanding The Theology of Our Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Faith — 20150628

sspeterenpaulWe truly owe to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul the priceless treasure of the Christian faith. They passed on Christ’s teachings. They laid a firm foundation for the Church of Christ. Both Apostles are distinguished for their character, their zealous apostolic labors and their great cult in the Church. Both men were, to use a colloquial phrase, bigger than life! Our Church celebrates their feast on June 29th.

Peter and Paul were   martyred in Rome under Emperor Nero in the year 87. Peter was crucified, head down at his own request [so that he would not die in the same way as Christ], and Paul, because he was a Roman Citizen, was beheaded. The Church unites them in a common celebration and gives them identical honor.

Peter, a brother of Andrew the First-Called, was from Bethsaida. They were the sons of Jonas, of the tribe of Simeon. They lived by the work of their hands. At the time when John the Baptist was in prison, Jesus came to the Lake of Genesarett, and finding Peter and Andrew mending their nets, He called them and they followed Him without hesitation. Peter preached the Gospel in Judea, founded the Church of    Antioch where followers were first called Christians, and finally went to Rome.

Paul was a Pharisee and belonged to the tribe of Benjamin. He was born in Tarsus of Asia Minor. At first, he persecuted the Church with great zeal and violence, imprisoning and killing Christians. Then, according to tradition, Christ appeared to him on the way to Damascus and changed his heart. He was baptized in Damascus by Ananias. He became one of the greatest exponents of Christ’s teachings, which he explained in letters or epistles.

Two letters in the New Testament are attributed to Peter and 14 to Paul, although a number of those attributed to Paul are thought to have been composed by his followers.

They are called by our Church: Prime Apostles.

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