July 5, 2015

image379When I open my heart and mind to the message which is contained in today’s readings, I find that the Epistle, which is taken from Paul’s Letter to the Romans, clearly reflects the behavior of Jesus as it is described in the story of the cure of the paralytic man at Capernaum.

Here are the words of Paul:

Your love must be sincere…. Love one another with the affection of brothers. Anticipate each other in showing respect. Do not grow slack but be fervent in spirit…

The miracle story related in today’s Gospel says that when Jesus saw their faith (i.e., that of those who brought the paralytic man to him), He immediately responded to the situation with love and kindness. The story contrasts Jesus’ loving response with that of the Scribes. The Scribes were judgmental and reflected a true meanness of spirit since they showed no concern or regard for the paralyzed man. They judged the actions of Jesus instead of joining with Jesus in loving the man in need.

One of the things that this miracle story highlights is the real inclination that we humans have to judge others. Think about it and then take time to assess your own inclination to judge others. Do you remember when you last judged someone?

We humans find it so very easy to judge others who do not believe like we do, act like we do, or belong to the particular group that we do. It is critical, if we are to spiritually grow, that we find real ways to check this tendency.

Paul asserts that fraternal charity is absolutely necessary if we are to, become true followers of Jesus. In this same Epistle reading we hear these words:

Bless your persecutors; bless and do not curse them. Have the same attitude toward all…. Never repay injury with injury. See that your conduct is honorable in the eyes of all. If possible, live peaceably with everyone.

As I have shared with you before, our attitudes truly control our behaviors even though we may not always be aware of our attitudes. Most of them are formed during our childhood.

Underlying the tendency to judge others are the attitudes we have about others. Jesus simply responded to His detractors by ignoring their critical comments, turning His attention to the paralyzed man and curing him. Jesus demonstrated by His initial response to the man that concern for him was as important as curing him. Respect for all others is an important attitude.


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