Further Thoughts About the WAY of Jesus — 20150719

deisisThe readings prescribed for the last two weekends have truly been powerful in that they have presented the truth about our human existence. We are all, at times, paralyzed or blind with regard how we are to live in order to be true children of our God-Creator. We have been made in His image and likeness. Therefore, we must act like the One Who was truly God and Man, Jesus.

I would hasten to say that the paralysis and blindness that we experience is not something bad since they set the stage for us to be able to learn how to live as children of God and heirs of His Kingdom.

Like the two stories which presented the cures of paralysis and blindness, in both cases, the maladies that the cured people possessed were their greatest gift. Why? Because they occasioned the gift of cure from the God-Man Jesus.

So the weaknesses that we all have are also the wonderful gifts from God because they, if we seek a cure for our weaknesses, are the means that will help us to evermore become more like Jesus.

We must remember that all of the gifts of life, the good experiences and the struggles, are designed to help us to come to the fullness of life and to become all that we were created to be.

Again, it is important to reassert that all the experiences that life presents to us are meant to help us do one thing: spiritually grow. Life is all about learning to be a child of God.

I would like to share again the seven different ways that I feel that we may be blind and need to seek God’s curing help. We can be blind to:

  1. the real needs and
  2. feelings of others;
  3. our prejudices;
  4. our own failings;
  5. the presence of God in our lives and world;
  6. the real truth about life; the love which is extended to us; and
  7. our misguided thinking.

Again I would hasten to assert that paralysis and blindness are not bad things or punishments, they are the real opportunities presented to us to grow.

Life delivers just the absolutely right and unique opportunities for us grow. Again, change is important and it should not be something that we are afraid to do. Christ came to tell all of us: Change your hearts and minds so that you might come to realize that the Kingdom of God is here, right now.

It is my prayer that my words might encourage all who read them that we all have an opportunity to learn how to more fully become children of God through personal change!

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