Smart and Stupid Ways to Think About God — 20150802

I have already shared with my readers three stupid and two smart ways to think about God. The general ideas about each of these ways is taken from the small book by Michael Shevack and Jack Bemporad. I have modified the different ways for you, my readers.

The third smart way to think about God is GOD IS THE CREATOR. This, I am sure, is how many, if not most, of us think about God.

One thing is certain: any Spirit with this kind of awareness had got to have one heck of an I.Q. He’s surely got to be the Ultimate Prodigy.

God must be supremely intelligent to be God. Why?” If we look at His creation, we should be able to see this ultimate intelligence at work. We should be able to see it in the ingenious sequencing of amino acids that are DNA. I have often shared this with you in the past. We should be able to study it in the         structure and movement of subatomic particles. We should be able to witness God’s intelligence on a cosmic scale. From quasars and pulsars to the simple rotation of our troubled little planet. Everything in the universe seems to vibrate with this intelligence.

Our ever-increasing understanding of nature and the mechanics of Creation should not encourage atheism. On the contrary, it should discourage it. It only confirms that there is some intelligence that has organized and designed reality as a singular, integrated whole. This intelligence is not a religious myth.     Indeed science has shown us that there is great intelligence in the design of our universe. And more than that, we are now discovering that our universe is not the only universe in existence. There are not only multiple galaxies but multiple universes. Truly, the whole creation seems to be thoroughly thought out.

As we explore the universe, we find that God is not just an Intelligent Spirit, but a Creative Spirit.

God’s creativity does not end with a singular act of Creation. A Living God must always live to create. He has not faded away like an old vaudeville star.

New galaxies, new phenomena always arise. The universe doesn’t just stay the same. It is constantly in flux. Like God Himself, all of creation is constantly changing. It is dynamic!

Evolution is, probably, the most definite proof of God’s creativity. There seems to be a plan in the evolution of all of creation.

Life was created out of matter. But matter, and the universe, were created from Living Spirit.

Over the eons, matter has arranged itself ever more ingeniously until it possessed a consciousness that seems independent of everything around it, and it continues to evolve into something ever new. This process is, indeed, the product of an intelligent Spirit.

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