The Spirituality of the Christian East — 20150816

The seventh step on John’s Ladder is MOURNING. Remembrance of Death, the sixth step, when truly understood and acquired, leads to mourning. It must be understood, however, that the mourning John talked about is not the kind to which we are accustomed – that is the sadness we humans seem to experience at the death of a loved one or a traumatic or difficult experience which brings   tears to our eyes.

The tears that John envisioned are those that are a gift from God when a person realizes how very much s/he is loved by our Creator-God and how unworthy s/he is of that love.

Tears are not always a sign of true recognition of this truth. Sometimes we cry not because we have realized this truth but because we feel sorry for ourselves. Sometimes we cry because we fear punishment or are ashamed and embarrassed.

Those who are truly humble and have come to a point in their lives when they truly understand what it means to be unconditionally loved despite their self-centeredness, are the ones who have been given the gift of mourning and tearfulness. These people are most frequently unaware that they have reached this step on the ladder. We must recall that it is for this reason that saints never believe they have attained sanctity. Humility is tricky! True humility makes it impossible to think that we are making any progress in humility. True humility understands that, although we do not deserve to be loved so very completely, we are loved in that fashion by our God. Recognizing that we are so loved can only bring tears to our eyes.

While it is true that few probably ever acquire the gift of tears, this is not to say that the tears we shed for our sins are worthless before God. These tears are the beginning of true humility and bring us closer to God.

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