Further Thoughts About the WAY of Jesus — 20160830

5125870112_c630d33278_bThe WAY of Jesus is a way of personal transformation. It is our belief that we have been made in God’s image and also given the potential to grow in His likeness by cooperating with the help that is provided by the Holy Spirit, Who is within us. This doesn’t happen by osmosis or accident. It takes deliberate acts of cooperating with God’s Spirit in responding to the challenges of life.

This requires, first and foremost, that we come to an understanding of how life works and embrace the fact that life is given to us out of love to help us spiritually grow. This, I find, is the first and almost most important step in embracing the WAY of Jesus.

I believe that life, as I have shared with you many times, is uniquely designed to assist us in activating our potential to grow in God’s likeness. I believe that life is truly different for each and every one of us and, at the same time, the same for each and every one of us. It is different in that it provides the exact challenges that we personally need to spiritually grow and in this regard it is the same for each of us. Think about your life! You will find, if you open your mind to think about your life, that the challenges that you have had to face are quite unique to you and definitely have the power to change your life in a positive manner, helping you to be more like God as He manifested   Himself in the Person of Jesus, the Christ.

I think that you will also find, if you take the time to reflect on your life, that it seems that there are certain lessons that each of us must learn and that there are multiple opportunities to learn these lessons. Life is kind in that it never expects us to learn a lesson very first time that it is presented to us. There are always multiple opportunities to learn the lessons of life.

The lessons of life come in many different challenges. Some, I know, require more courage than others. All, however, are within our power to learn. Recall the words of God to Paul: My grace or help is sufficient for you. We are never given any challenges that are beyond our ability. That is why I can say that life is very loving, even though it might be very challenging.

What is further exciting about life is that God has seen fit to give us the help or a religion that believes the He Himself became incarnate in order to show us how to live and, therefore, derived that greatest benefit out of the challenges of life. He, in the Person of Jesus Christ, made sure that we had a model on which to fashion our life.     Think about this!

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