Vision-logic consciousness is the next level that develops in most people. Its primary characteristics are the identification of the self with the abstract mind and the ability to think from many different perspectives. It is global in its interest in, and concern for, other persons.

In terms of spirituality, at this level we appreciate the fact that the Scriptures can be read on many different levels. We begin to appreciate and understand how the Scriptures use the mind-body symbolism used by Jesus, St. Paul and the evangelists. An example of this is Jesus’ constant references to “seeing” and “hearing.”

At this vision-logic level we now have a global perspective. We no longer define the self in the narrow terms of race, color, national origin, or sectarian-based religion. As a result we are tolerant of persons of other cultures, religions and races. This is the spirituality of Jesus.

At this level spirituality is paired with a deep consciousness of the unity of all of God’s creation. We become aware that God’s life-force and consciousness fills all things. All things have their existence in Him and through Him. Therefore how we treat one another and deal with creation is filtered through our awareness that all things, ourselves included, have their origin and continued existence in Him through the power of His Spirit. All this will begin to make sense as you attempt to develop your spiritual nature. The deeper one’s spirituality the deeper is one’s awareness or consciousness of how things really are in the world. Spiritual people find God in all the things of creation. In order to do this they have to have a deep consciousness of things and not just a surface awareness. When a person can finally look at a stranger and see a brother, then they know that they have spiritually grown in their likeness to God as manifested in the Person of Jesus Christ. Spirituality and consciousness are intimately connected.

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