Finding the meaning and purpose of your life is probably the most important thing that a person can do during his life. I find that many people think that finding happiness is the most important thing. I know, however, that those who pursue happiness are more frequently disappointed since life never seems to provide them with the happiness that they imagine and desire. Happiness seems to be a figment of our human imagination. We think we know what will make us happy until we actually achieve it. I have yet to find anyone who says that life has turned out exactly as they wanted. Of course if life turned out the way we wanted I am sure that we would never grow and learn the lessons of life.
Finding the meaning and purpose of life are probably, when all things are considered, the most important of any of life’s pursuits. To truly have a clearer understanding of life and what you are supposed to learn from the challenges and struggles of life, makes a difference. This is probably due to the fact that no human escapes life without some real challenges and struggles! It is only when a person has gained a clearer understanding of the meaning and purpose of life that s/he can learn the lessons that the struggles of life are meant to help us learn. Learning how to accept life’s lessons gives meaning to life.
Jesus saw that the primary meaning and purpose of His life was to bear witness to the love of the Father. All of the struggles that His life presented were designed to help Him bear this witness to His fellowmen.
Jesus taught us by His very behavior that voluntarily accepting the challenges of life without bitterness or anger can lead one to a deeper relationship with God and others. Consider what His example accomplished. His followers gained the courage to spread His teachings throughout the known world and to even die for the sake of His teachings. His example of how to live and die literally changed the world. By His voluntary acceptance of one of life’s most difficult challenges, namely His cruel death and the hatred that was directed toward Him, He was able to reveal to humankind that the meaning and purpose of life is to activate the potential that God has shared with all humans, the potential to grow in God’s likeness.
It is important that you ask yourself this question: What do I think is the meaning and purpose of my life? And then try to honestly answer it!