Universal Call to Holiness

Universal Call to Holiness

It is important to remember that the call to holiness is a call to cooperate with God in developing the spiritual side of our nature as human beings. When God created humans, He gave them a two-fold nature, that is a nature which has a physical dimension as well as a spiritual dimension. Both of these dimensions are of extreme importance if we are to achieve the fullness of life and know who God created us to really be.

When you reflect on the life of Jesus, you quickly come to realize that one of His revelations to us was this understanding of who we are as human beings. We are this unique combination of the infinite and the finite; the immortal and mortal; and the physical and the spiritual. We are not just a body (physical) which is only biological in nature. We are an unique combination of spiritual and physical powers which are joined so that we can learn and understand what it means to be the greatest of all of God’s creations. We are unique among all of God’s creations. While we have many powers that are similar to other living things, we also have powers that are uniquely different from other biological beings. Further, we have the potential to grow in the likeness of our Creator-God. Our call to holiness is, therefore, a call to recognize who we are in God’s creation and, recognizing that uniqueness, to cooperate with His Spirit to develop ourselves as the human beings He intended when he created us.

One of the wonderful things about our God is that He realized that we humans would need insight into the truth of who we are as human beings. Because of this, He became incarnate – became a man – so that He could personally show us how to live in order to actualize the potential He has shared with us to become like Him.

God created us and revealed Himself to us in the way that He did so that we can voluntarily come to know and love Him and be like Him.

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