Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael

St. Paul said this: “Make sure that no one traps you and deprives you of your freedom through some secondhand, empty, rational philosophy based on the principles of this world instead of on Christ. In His body lives the fullness of divinity, and in Him you too find your own fulfillment, in the One Who is head of every Sovereignty and Power. Therefore, we must follow Christ Who has the divine nature to give to us, Who can deal with every power over our lives – physical, spiritual and psychological – and Who can control every worldly value that claims authority over us (e.g., money, pride, selfishness, bitterness).

When we put on Christ, Paul says, we come into the fullness of life, for life is not only physical but also of the spirit. All that is opposed to our life and growth He takes away, forever disarming those powers from having authority over us. All things remain powerless over us as we remain in Christ.

What does it mean to remain in Christ? It means that we live with a New Testament point of view. We literally put on Christ, that is His way of thinking, His attitudes and His behaviors. It means becoming fully and totally conscious of the presence of God in our world and in our lives. It also means becoming truly ourselves. It means being fully alive, understanding who we are in God’s creation. It means freeing our true selves to praise God with all that we have and are. This is truly the first goal of spiritual growth and the first step in understanding what it means to be called to holiness.

Hopefully those who read this will begin to really understand that the meaning and purpose of life is to become transformed people who understand that the goal and task in life is to understand who we are in God’s creation and what it means to be a fully alive human being. I wonder what you think it means to be a fully alive human being.
Think about this and write me!

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