Reflections on the Scriptural Readings for this Weekend — 20151122

pantocratorThe two readings this weekend deliver a knock-out message. The Epistle, which is taken from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, clearly tells us to Live in the Light. The Gospel of Luke tells us: Trust in God and not in possessions. If a    person truly lives in the Light, s/he only trusts in God and does not put trust in the things of this world, especially since rust and moths can easily destroy anything we have. Luke tells us to grow rich in the sight of God. Paul tells us a number of important things:

  • Be correct in your judgment of what pleases the Lord;
  • Take no part in vain deeds done in darkness;
  • Keep careful watch over your conduct – do not act like fools, but like thoughtful men;
  • Do not continue in ignorance, but try to discern the will of the Lord;
  • Avoid getting drunk on wine; and
  • Sing praise to the Lord with all your hearts.

What absolutely sage advice! Truly this advice is critical in today’s world and especially as our society prepares for Christmas, a feast originally meant to make real God’s manifestation of Himself to humankind. It has now been turned into a money-making, secular, thoughtless event which truly takes God out of Christmas for all but the firmest of heart.

The commercialization of Christmas has been developing over the years. It is now fully blown, mesmerizing people into thinking that things, especially really expensive and popular things, can express love in some strange way. Things can never express a person’s love for another and the people who believe they can, truly act, as Paul suggests, like fools.

The business men of our society try to convince us that the things of this world show love. They do this only because they want to make a profit. One only wonders how many of the people who are trying to convince us to give expensive things to others at Christmas believe that God came Himself into our world in the Person of Jesus.

One of the things that I believe God is attempting to do through the Church is to call us to PUT JESUS BACK INTO CHRISTMAS. We have the power to do this if we don’t buy into the marketing ploys of companies. We are called to make this Christmas, a holy time – a time when we remember what God has done for us. How will you celebrate Christmas 2015? Will you make it holy by the way you celebrate it?

Why not celebrate Christmas like a true Christian?

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