Holy-Trinity-9It is important that we ask Jesus to help us consecrate our imagination, intellect, will and memory to God and to cleanse them of all the unholy things with which we have filled them. Thus given to God and filled with God they can be used without fear that they will lead us astray. Rather, we can trust them, not because they in themselves are powerful or wonderful, but because they are consecrated and guided by Jesus through His Spirit.

How do you consecrate these functions to God? It simply takes your word which is stated repeatedly until you find that they do not distract you from doing the will of God.

Here are some general principles. When an image comes into our imaginations that we judge to be wrong, immoral or evil, we have been well schooled in the ways of the world to repress that image, to feel guilty, and to call ourselves evil for having it. By repressing that image, however, we do not rid ourselves of it; on the contrary, we store it away in our unconscious minds. There it becomes a part of our false selves, a part of the way we view the world and ourselves, a part of our motivation for future actions.

Now, we know that we are in trouble when we start to use words like should and ought and must, because these words are sings that we are at war with ourselves. If we are at war within we do not have peace, and where there is no peace neither Jesus nor His Spirit can abide. If we succeed in repressing the thought, we also repress the tension of this struggle, only for it to reappear at a later time in some action that will relieve the tension and express the thought; that action will be sin. Under the guise of doing something good and Christian, then we are really doing great harm to ourselves, for the Bible does not say that we are to put evil thought out of our conscious minds and repress them into our             unconscious, thus adding to our false selves. The solution: turn more fully to God and more.

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