Reflections on the Scriptural Readings for This Weekend — 20160110

TheophanyOn this weekend after the glorious and great feast of, our scripture readings are taken from Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians and the Gospel of Matthew. I think that one has to truly pause and reflect upon these two readings in order to receive a unified message.

In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he suggests that the goal of the Church is to provide the support needed to “build up the body of Christ” in such a way that all members may become “one in faith and in the knowledge of God’s Son”. He then continues by saying: “let us profess the truth in love and grow to the full maturity of Christ the head” since it is only through the support of Christ that members can be firmly joined together.

In Matthew’s Gospel there is a recounting of the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. Jesus continues the theme that John the Baptizer proclaimed: “Reform your lives! The kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Coupled with this statement of the theme of Jesus’ ministry, Matthew quotes the prophet Isaiah suggesting that Jesus proclaimed the message that brought “light” or understanding to a “people living in darkness.” He   further quotes the words of Isaiah by saying that “on those who inhabit a land overshadowed by death, light has arisen.” Jesus brought to mankind a way of understanding and thinking about life that shredded the darkness of ignorance. His message shone the “light of knowledge” on the mystery of the meaning and purpose of life. It is this knowledge – this way of looking   at life – that has brought salvation to all those who embrace the Jesus way of thinking. This doesn’t mean, however, that God has chosen only one way for mankind to come to the truth about human life. It is the way, however, that life has chosen to reveal to us the truth about life.

Again it is important that we realize that God has chosen to work in many different ways. For me personally, the gift of faith and belief in Jesus Christ is a precious gift. It makes much more sense, to me, than other ways. Therefore I am deeply thankful to God for having shared this approach with me.

I believe that this is the approach we must adopt. Belief in Jesus Christ IS a gift. Just as in the time of Jesus, some were able to believe and others were not. Belief in a God Who came into the world to provide us with an   insight into the meaning and purpose of life is a GIFT. The only response is to be thankful for the gift. This gift really doesn’t say that He loves us more but confirms that He does love us.

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