Further Thoughts About the WAY of Jesus — 20160117

pantocratorThe first disciples of Jesus were said to be practicing the way, that is pursuing a life that was deeply soulful. Jesus of Nazareth demonstrated and taught a revolutionary way of love that is actually possible and alive with healing and hope, We, however, need a path for experiencing that revolution in the details of our daily lives. In order to do this we need to rediscover a sense of immediacy and action in our spiritual practices. They must be practices that help us to make the main focus of our daily lives     our union with God. This fact seems to frighten many people because they realize at some deep level that it means that they have to change the way they think, their general attitudes about God, life and others, and, of course, to embrace all the various challenges of life as the means given to them to accomplish this goal of personal transformation.

I have discovered that the big fear than many have is contained in this question: What will life be like if I truly give myself to spiritual growth? I think that there is a great fear among some that they will be taken advantage of if they commit themselves to this personal transformation or that they will not have any control over their lives. (What I find interesting is the fact that so many people have the delusion that they have control over their lives. The fact of the matter is that we don’t have control over our lives).

If we think about it, the innermost center and the whole substance of the Christian “Good News” is the inrush of God into the world, the concrete, historical, supreme and unique revelation of God’s infinite love, the Son of God having descended to become one of us and ascended, thus enabling us to ascend with Him. The core of God’s revelation is all about helping us to see that this earthly life is given to us to help us grow into the people that God intended when He created us. Jesus showed us by His very life that ATTITUDES play a significant role in our understanding of the meaning and purpose of life. Our Attitudes, which we mainly develop during childhood, intimately influence our behaviors. Our behaviors, it should be noted, radically influence our lives.

At the core of the Jesus WAY is the ability to unconditionally love others, regardless of how they respond to us. Seldom to we humans learn how to unconditionally love others early in life. It is something that most of us have to deliberately work at learning. The most interesting thing is that when we begin to unconditionally love others, life completely changes for the good!

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