The Spirituality of the Christian East — 20160124

Ladder of Divine AccentI would conclude my remarks on the 11th Step of John’s Ladder by adding just a few words on the use of social media (e.g., Facebook and Twitter). I really am not a luddite. Social media can be very helpful. The aggression and venomous judgmentalism one so often finds, however, in these places, especially even on religious discussion forums, is breathtaking. It may be the case that many a “troll” is by nature a quiet person, but put him in front of a screen and the poison comes spewing forth! But useless online chatter is not always of an aggressive or judgmental nature; sometimes it is a cry for attention. It may be that the cause of constant talking (and that includes incessant tweeting and Facebooking) is a desire for recognition, a need to be noticed and appreciated.

The solution to controlling, or rather, purifying our speech (whether our words are spoken or written) is   purifying the heart. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings fort evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks (Luke 6: 45).

The more pure our hearts, the more pure our speech; the more considerate and thoughtful and recollected we are through a life of prayer and contemplation, the less harm our words will cause. Thus only the pure in heart are able to purify the tongue and use it as a tool for good without it leading us time and again into a whole host of troubles.

This is the eleventh step. He who succeeds in taking it, says St. John, has with one blow cut off a host of evils. Hopefully, my readers have found some value in the first 11 steps of John’s Ladder. Don’t expect to climb the Ladder quickly. Sometimes two steps forward and one step back!

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