Understanding Our Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church — 20160124

Picture1In trying to understand the differences between our Greek-Catholicism and Roman Catholicism, I suggested that we first look at the Reformation in order to understand why Western Christianity, and Roman Catholicism, have the approaches to religion that they do. The displacement of our Church to this country meant that for some time it was influenced not by Eastern Christianity but, rather Christianity that underwent the difficult Reformation.

Most historians agree that the Reformation had at least two sources: (1) a very “comprehensive dissatisfaction” with the conditions in the church, and (2) the social and political frustrations which then existed in Europe. One   author states:

Throughout the Reformation Era, from the Peasant’s Revolt to the Puritan Revolution, the most radical political theories did not evolve from the necessity of logic, but grew out of the demands of the dissatisfied minorities. In most cases, their religious and political view coincided.

It cannot be denied that one of the most religious periods of European history occurred before and around the time of the Reformation. The real ravaging of the bubonic plague (The Black Death), which, depending on the region, destroyed from one-eighth to two-thirds of the population and the continuous warfare of the period which left the people in mortal famine, moral devastation and despairing poverty.

Given the toll of these tragedies, people naturally pursued an escape by seeking healing and salvation.     Instead of encountering the true comfort of God, desperation led many of the people to accept a view of God inspired by their own terror and hysterical fanaticism.

The temperament of medieval piety was one of great superstition and simple-minded acceptance. People had a tendency to see almost anything as sacramental. In hopes of attaining a blessing or healing, for example, they would consume dust from saints’ tombs or pay homage to a bizarre array of fraudulent relics. Numbers of them would go to church to receive sacraments in order to get their wishes granted. Astrology and pagan customs were freely incorporated within Christian ceremonies in the hopes of averting natural disasters. Undoubtedly, these abuses repulsed the Reformers. More importantly, they significantly influenced their attitudes towards the sacraments.

Hopefully you are beginning to see the influences that the Reformation Era had on Western Christianity.

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