Smart and Stupid Ways to Think About God — 20160131

Picture1One of the common myths that our modern society has spawned is that science has the answers to all of the things that we do not understand. It searches for truth about how nature operates. Its theories and laws explain a host of phenomena. But science tends to ignore the other side of truth. Philosophical truth. Ethical truth. Moral truth. Emotional truth. The theories and laws that explain nature’s most baffling phenomenon: people.

Science does not   answer these questions: How should one person treat another? What is the correct way to offer charity? How do you deal with guilt? How do we live for ourselves without becoming selfish? How do we live for others without also becoming martyrs?

Can science answer these questions?

Can any experiment, no matter how exacting, measure the human heart? If it could, would the world be in such a pickle? Who could look at the threat of atomic warfare, ecological destruction, urban decay, and not question the truth of science? Isn’t it time we admit that science, too, has earned its share of doubts?

On the other hand, is religion any better? Didn’t it perpetuate a lot of bigotry and superstition in the name of truth? Didn’t it often encourage poverty and ignorance as a sign of piety? Didn’t it frequently require us to trade real-world happiness for other-world rewards? As we look around the world today, don’t we see that many promote bigotry, prejudice and judgment of others in the name of religious beliefs?

This is why the idea of God, the pure and uncontaminated idea of God, is such a radical notion. Now, despite competing claims of truth by religion and science, the idea of God asserts that there must be, can be, only one truth: God. And this Truth is the source of both scientific truths and also human truths. God is the source of the laws of nature and the laws of the human spirit.

The idea of God means there can be only one complete truth. One ultimate truth. Science, religion, all individual truths, are at best only partly true. Parts of the elephant. Not the whole. God and Truth are truly inseparable. They are one and the same. What is Truth? In truth, only God could possibly know.

What has been very interesting to me is how we humans form our ideas about God. My PhD Dissertation actually looked at the elements that go into our individual mental creations of Who God IS – our image of God.

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