The call to holiness is a call to a deeper union with God through the Person of the Son in the Holy Spirit. Union with Jesus is the first goal of the Christian life. As we know, union with God can only be achieved through union with Jesus because Jesus is God’s manifestation of Himself. This is the primary way in which a Christian experiences spiritual growth, for it is in Christ that we have been given every spiritual blessing, and it is through Christ that we have been adopted as God’s own children. While God has given to us all that is important, we can make use of His gifts only to the extent to which we are one with Christ, for all of these gifts are given to us “in Him”. When we live in Him, we can learn to see, appreciate, understand and use the gifts God gives to us completely, and thus we are free to grow spiritually.

Therefore, faithful Christians spend much time and energy trying to come close to Christ. We read the Scriptures, we pray alone and in groups, we study, we try to conform our lives to His Gospel, we yield to His Spirit’s gifts. When we do all these things simultaneously depending on His grace and love, we are living good Christian lives.

Why, then, do many faithful Christians not find the total freedom and joy that the Gospel promises to one who follows its way? Presuming that these unfulfilled Christians are sincere in their walk with Christ and are not kidding themselves into believing that they are doing more than they really are, there is yet one more thing that is requires. Sometimes it happens spontaneously to a person as he or she lives the Christian life outlined above; but more often than not, it needs to begin with a definite choice on the part of the Christian who seeks the abundant life that Jesus promises. That one thing is inner healing, especially healing of memories.

I will share some additional thoughts about this in the coming issues of the Bulletin.

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