theotokosThe call to holiness is a call to a spiritual revolution in our minds – a way for the Spirit of God to change   entirely the ways in which we think, feel, imagine, decide and remember. I would hasten to remind my readers that, despite the fact that it is a human trait to resist change, we are called to embrace change. The call to holiness is a call to change.

Who or what could take over our minds and entirely revolutionize them? Surely humanistic psychology cannot do it. Powerful and important as it is when it is used properly (in relationship to God), psychology ultimately relies on one set of thoughts and feelings to replace another, and that is not the spiritual revolution and renewal of the person that God calls us to be. Surely religious and/or secular cults cannot do it for they are either an irresponsible variant of humanistic psychology or they put people in touch with a spiritual power that is not good, holy, and true – for not all spirits are good spirits, and not all spirits are looking out for our welfare.

Only Jesus has the power that we seek. Only Jesus can revolutionize our minds “in God’s way, in the goodness and holiness of truth”.

I have found, after fifty years of being a priest and studying psychology, that the two disciplines, when used in combination, can truly help a person to accomplish the revolution of mind and heart that the call to holiness envisions. Psychology can help people heal the old memories that can keep a person from freely embracing the idea of personal transformation/change (Metanoia). I agree, however, that by itself it can only heal psychic pain. Engaging in activities designed to support spiritual growth must be integrated into this process in order for people to achieve the goal of coming to a deeper understanding of the meaning and purpose of life and actualizing their potential to be like Jesus.

Typical of Jesus, His form of revolution is both gentle and strong. He does not want to bulldoze His way into our lives. He respects our free will!

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