Making the Great and Holy Week Real — 20160320

Crucifixion-1In order to make the Great and Holy Week real, one must at least make an effort to think about the events that we relive. We must ask, What do the events in the life of Jesus tell me about life and about my relationship to God. If we truly desire to benefits from this Great and Holy Week, then we must attempt to make these events important to us.

One thing can help us make Holy Week more real is to believe that God intended to reveal to us something about life that is important if we are to actualize our potential to become more like Jesus Christ, which of course is the meaning and purpose of this life. If you can’t make it to the church services, at least take a little time out each day to reflect upon the entire life of Jesus. Each Gospel has an account of the last days of Jesus. Pick up a New Testament and read a little each day so that the events will be fresh in your mind.

Remember, only you can make it truly a Holy Week – a week wherein we feel more connected to our God. A true involvement in Holy Week makes Easter a truly joyous event.

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