An Easter Tradition

easter3All are reminded again that from PASCHA until Pentecost our tradition is 


We even encouraged to stand in private prayer. Sitting is permitted when tired or elderly. It is not more pious to kneel! This tradition reminds us that we are the children of God and thus privileged, because we are His heirs, to stand in His presence.  

BRIGHT WEEK . . . is the eight days that follow PASCHA. The last day, St. Thomas’s Day, is the Anti-Pasch. Each day of this week is a celebration of PASCHA. During ordinary time, PASCHA is celebrated only every weekend. This tradition is a direct carryover of the Jewish Passover which is celebrated for eight days. During the period from PASCHA to Pentecost Sunday is counted as the first, not last, day of the week

The ARTOS . . . is the special loaf of bread we bless on PASCHA and then distribute on St. Thomas Day. This loaf reminds us that Christ, Who IS truly THE bread of life, is with us.             Христос Воскрес! 

 REMEMBER . . . Monday and Tuesday are “Splash” Days. Guys splash gals on Monday and on Tuesday the gals have their revenge. Silly? Perhaps, but a wonderful way to make our joy real.
Christ IS Risen!

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