holy-cross-justice-icon-of-the-resurrectionIt should be noted that in the Eastern Church the icon of the Resurrection of Christ is called the Harrowing of Hades or the Descent into Hades. It depicts the impact of the Lord’s Resurrection, and not His coming out of the tomb. It tells us what His resurrection means to all creation.

Here are some facts about the PASCHA icon. Christ’s robe is flowing upward, symbolizing his descent into Hades to save those who died in the flesh. The golden bars under his feet are the gates of Hades, which He has broken and torn apart. There are keys floating in the abyss below, symbolizing that He has entered and conquered both death and Hades.

Although not real clear, you can see a skeletal figure who is chained up: that is Death.  He has been bound and killed by Christ. Death no longer exists.

The two figures whom Christ is pulling from their tombs are Adam and Eve, symbolizing that His victory over Death redeems all mankind, even back to the beginning. The resurrection and the redemption of mankind is taking place in the past, present and future.

To the left, three characters are seen: David, Solomon and John the Baptizer, all related to Him in the flesh.

The figures on the right vary from icon to icon and truly represent all humankind.

Although the Resurrection is an act that happened in the past, it is beyond time and is happening right now, and continues to happen for all eternity. Christ is always in the state of redeeming and setting us free from the Hades of sin and death.

Although not depicted in this icon, typically there is a blue shaped aura around Christ which is called the MANDORLA. The Mandorla is the uncreated, eternal light of Christ.  In the writings of the mystics of the Eastern Church, God is often prayerfully experienced as light. This is not simply a pretty bright light.  It is the same light which filled the apostles with wonder when they witnessed His Transfiguration. It is the light which Christ Himself described as the power of the Kingdom of God (Mark 9:1; Mat 16:28; Luke 9:27). It is the light that filled the once perpetual darkness of Hades before Christ descended and brought life into the realm of death.  It is also the light that is seen when a person purifies his heart and mind.

The PASCHA icon tells us that indeed God’s life-force fills all.

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